
According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch and Webmd, the Skin Cancer Foundation is designed to protect your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Wearing sunscreen does not mean that you can stay out longer in the sun. Sunscreens cannot protect against all of the sun’s radiation.

Some of the benefits include:


Sun Protection: Sunscreens are used to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. They help to prevent sunburn and premature aging (such as wrinkles, leathery skin).

Reduces Risk of Cancer: Sunscreens also help to decrease the risk of skin cancer, especially melanoma.

Healthy Skin: Essential proteins in the skin like keratin are protected when sunscreen is applied. These proteins are primarily responsible for keeping the skin smooth and healthy both in appearance and function.

Esthetician Recommendation:
Apply 30min before sun exposure and every 2 hours